The second half of the year can be a shock to the system. It won’t be long before we put the sunscreen away, deflate our pool floats and get down to business. Over the past few years, we’ve shared our best advice for staying productive during a slower time of the year. Before the unofficial end of summer catches up, let’s revisit some tips to help accomplish our communications goals this fall.
5 Communications Projects to Tackle in the Last Few Weeks of Summer
1. Target a New Audience
If your team has talked about reaching new audience segments, now is a good time to start the process. Research their challenges and needs, come up with a strategy to connect and create relevant content.
2. Research New Industry Perspectives
Summer is a nice time to reconnect with people you’ve met at conferences and networking events during the first half of the year. Schedule a few coffee dates and get some insight into their industry predictions, concerns, opinions and more. It’s a great way to keep in touch and gather ideas for new content.
3. Refresh Your Marketing & Sales Materials
Assess all your marketing and sales materials including brochures, templates, internal documents, sales decks and more. Determine what needs to be retired, recycled or upgraded.
4. Test New Tools
Haven’t had the time to try out that marketing tool or project management app? Now is the time to sign up for that free trial.
5. Scrub Your Contact Database
Set yourself up with a clean CRM this September and October when you pick back up on sending marketing email campaigns and adding new business leads. Weed out the contacts that aren’t a good fit or have no future with your company.
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4 Summer-Time Tips to Turbocharge Your Media Relations
1. Make News
Summer tends to be a slower time for generating stories. Get creative and find ways to stay relevant in the media. Host an event, schedule a webinar or plan a PR stunt.
2. Release Timely Stories
Tie messaging to seasonal events and celebrations. In the summer, that generally means sun-safety tips, travel advice and topics related to the outdoors. The summer is also a good time to start planning story angles for when the temperature starts to cool off.
3. Build Reporter Relationships
Use any extra time to check in with reporters and journalists you’ve been following and offer story ideas—even if they don’t benefit your business or client directly. They’ll likely appreciate the thoughtfulness and want to continue staying in touch.
4. Release More Content
Use the lull in news to distribute your own thought leadership content like white papers, blog posts, videos and more. Spruce up your website with your content and push it out on social media channels.
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Take advantage of summertime’s natural lull. When we rest and take part in enjoyable activities, our minds are more open and we’re able to cultivate our creativity. Download our free ebook to help inspire new ideas:
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